Gynecology 2022

Vaidyanathan Gowri, ,

Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Title: Placental histopathology findings in pregnant women infected with COVID -19


Objective: To assess the histological changes in the placenta of women infected with COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) irrespective of the gestation age and duration of the illness to delivery.
Methods: This is a descriptive prospective study from June 2020 to July2021, targeting women who test positive for COVID-19 and delivered in SQUH. Also, those who miscarried and had evacuation done under general anaesthesia included, as they test positive for COVID-19 virus and the products was sent for histology. Maternal information was collected from electronic medical records including: the gestational age at infection, gestational age at delivery, severity of symptoms, mode of delivery, intrapartum complications, comorbidities and neonatal outcome. Placental examination: gross and microscopic examination was performed as per the Amsterdam criteria, Formalin used for fixation and hematoxylin stains. Placenta microscopic examination finding (coagulative necrosis, infarction, fibrin deposition, chorionitis) was compared with only COVID-19 infected women and women with COVID-19 and other co-morbidities (preterm premature rapture of membrane, sickle cell disease, gestational diabetes, anemia, other).

Results: Sample size was 64 women (from June 2020 to July 2021), 26 women with COVID-19 and 38 with COVID-19 and co morbidities. Of these 30 women had abnormal histopathology of the placenta- 9 patients with COVID-19 alone and 21 with COVID-19 and co-morbidities. The mean gestational age at infection  was 29.37±10.202, and on delivery was 37.30±3.043. There was no significant change of histopathology related to women with COVID-19.

Conclusion:  In this study, there no specific attributable histopathological changes in the placenta of women infected COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2).


Dr Gowri is an associate professor in Obst Gyne in Sultan Qaboos University hospital, Oman. Her research interest is infertility and also general obstetrics. She has  more than 100 publications.