Preterm Birth and Prevention

Manuel Sánchez-Seiz

University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain

Title: New technique of marsupialización with continuous suture in


New technique of marsupialización with continuous suture in "surget" in cases of acute bartholinitis

A lateral incision practices, following the curve natural of the introito, through the skin, in its union with epitelio vaginal.  The gland of Bartholino is drained, taking samples for cultures and cleaning the interior of this one with a gauze to finger end.  It is begun to suturar in the apical edge of the incision, using surgical suture of vicryl number 1 (acido poliglicocólico) and jointly taking the internal wall from the cyst and the vaginal wall of the skin of the external mucosa, causing that are included in the same point, the glandular edge of the cyst and the edge of the incision in the skin of the vaginal mucosa.  It is continued suturando in surget in continuous suture the edge of the internal wall of the cyst and the vaginal mucous skin, being left in the end continuous a suture circular that leaves open and communicated the cavity of the gland of Bartholino with the outside.  The slow reabsoción of the thread, that lasts more than 20 days, is going to guarantee the formation of estoma surgical permanent with diametro greater of 2 mm, that guarantees the functionality of gládula and avoids the recidiva of new cases of bartholinitis.  Being the simple technique surgical, fast, little bloody for the patient, and who allows the painless deambulación of this one to the few minutes.  Postoperating the single one requires cares with perineales washings with water and neutral soap the five first days.  The healing of the wall of the cyst with the mucosa of the vaginal skin and the permanent formation of estoma sufficient in the gland guarantees that allows the functionality of this one and avoids new cases of reinfección and acute crises by retention and glandular infection. 
Intrauterine device closed autoinsertable and autoadaptable with aplicador

Closed Autoinsertable and Autoadaptable with Aplicador, that includes/understands a circumference of flexible plastic material with a flexible central piston rod or elastic able to autoadaptar themselves to the uterine cavity and to prevent the conception.  The device goes mounted in a hollow aplicador of plastic with an inner piston of the same material, that when moving takes to the device to exceed the internal cervical orifice of the uterus, coming to its autoinsercción and self-adaptation, when helping the central piston rod of the device to once recover its original circular form outside the aplicador.  Closed Intrauterine device without bloody surfaces, does not injure, avoiding perforation or aggressions to the uterus.  It does not emigrate, devoid of control after the positioning.  Nonaccessible to the manipulation from the outside;  it avoids the intrauterine infection.  Easily adaptable to any type of woman.  With utility in field doctor-veterinarian.  Industry doctor-farmaceutica.


Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). Especialista en Obstetricia y Ginecología. Perinatólogo.del Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología y Desarrollo Humano. OPS/OMS. Postgrado en Perinatología y Desarrollo Humano. Diplomado en Cooperación y Desarrollo. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) Profesor de la Plataforma www.agoramé, UNED. . Profesor externo SAMUR-PC. Centro Integral de Formación de Seguridad y Emergencias. Área de Gobierno de Seguridad y Movilidad. Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Unidad de Ecografía. Madrid+Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública. Codirector. 4D ECO y Femme-laser. y, Madrid-España. Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia (SEGO). Miembro de la Sección de Ecografía de la SEGO. Nivel IV de Ecografía (Experto) de la SESEGO. Miembro de la Sección de Medicina Perinatal de la SEGONumerary member of the Mediterranean Association for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (MED-UOG). Miembro de la Sociedad Ibero Americana de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Prenatal