Gynecology 2022

Eduardo Jose-Borjas.

San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras

Title: Risk factors associated with poor prognosis in pregnant women diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 and the consequences for the newborn. Prevalence study, Honduras 2022


Pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious disease, changes in the immune and respiratory systems due to the physiological state of pregnancy predispose women to a pneumonia infectious, causing maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective: Describe risk factors associated with poor prognosis in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 highlighting prevalence disease, maternal morbidity and mortality and consequences for the newborn, in a Maternal hospital of Honduras during 2020-2021. Method: Descriptive, Observational, Retrospective cross-sectional cohort study of a series of nested cases and controls, quantitative approach; of 988 cases of SARS-CoV-2 in pregnant patients from march 2020 to June 2021 we will include a) Records of pregnant women in whom SARS-CoV-2 infection was detected through RT-PCR, antibody and antigen detection test; b) Records of asymptomatic or symptomatic pregnant women who presented viral test detection of SARS-CoV-2; c) Records of adolescents and older pregnant women; d) Records of women with or without comorbidities. Our exclusion criteria a) Records of pregnant women diagnosed with congestive heart failure confirmed; b) Records of pregnant women with pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae confirmed; c) Records of pregnant women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease confirmed. The data will be collected by the researchers of the study using a collecting data instrument, patients’ data will be stored on password-protected equipment and will be kept for as long as it’s useful to scientists. This study review CEI# EXP-2021-005 by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Catholic University of Honduras, "Nuestra Señora Reina de La Paz, campus San Pedro y San Pablo”. Expected results: Characterize a maternal, obstetric, epidemiological and clinical profile on SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy in Honduras, establishing which obstetric complications are most prevalent due to SARS-CoV-2 infection; know the maternal lethality to SARS-CoV-2 and the consequences for newborns.


Eduardo Jose Borjas has completed his undergraduate study at age of 28 years, from “Universidad Catolica de Honduras”. Medical research doctor, department of gynecology and obstetrics, cervical pathology service; “Liga Contra el Cancer, Honduras”. He presents a diploma in hospital administration from UNITEC and another in total quality management from "Universidad Catolica de Honduras". He is a founding and active member, also an methodological advisor of ASOCEM UNICAH-SPSP, presented an Honorable Mention in the category of research work; FELSOCEM, as well has more than six publications that have been cited over 150 times. Finally volunteer of the health and cancer prevention and education program (PESCA, Spanish of Programa de Prevención y Educación en Salud y Cáncer).