Track: Nursing and Women’s Healthcare

Nursing and Women’s Healthcare


Nursing might be a calling inside the medical services area zeroed in on the consideration of individuals, families, and networks all together that they may achieve, keep up, or recuperate ideal wellbeing and personal satisfaction. Attendants could likewise be separated from other medical care suppliers by their way to deal with patient consideration, preparing, and extent of training. Currently women health had become a main concern because where it also has an impact on family health. Both men and women have a same health challenge, but the women health deserves to pay a more attention. The general health issues faced by women’s are breast cancers, adolescent pregnancy, and unsafe abortion and STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease) many more. Therefore, to acquire the health equity all over the life expectancy, it is an instant that every female must have the knowledge of information related to her reproductive health and also all the perspective of her body. Healthy habits are the best way to avoid disease, to prolong women’s life, and live more happily.

• Women's Health Issues and Policy
• Nursing Management and Nursing Informatics
• Effort of Nurses in Covid-19
• Malnutrition and Morbidity
• Nurse Practitioner
• Healthcare Management
• Pregnancy in Coronavirus